Committee Organizing Committee General Chair Keqin LiState University of New York Program Chairs Jianguo ChenSun Yat-sen University Xiaonan LuoGuilin University Of Electronic Technology Zhetao LiJinan University Yuanlong YuFuzhou University Organization Chairs Jigang WuGuangdong University of Technology Mingzhi MaoSun Yat-sen University Jin ZhangChangsha University of Science & Technology Buqing CaoHunan University of Technology Technical Program Chairs Xu ZhouHunan University Xiaoyong TangChangsha University of Science & Technology Yuming XuChangSha Normal University Xiangyuan ZhuZhaoqing University Publication Chairs Xiaokang ZhouKansai University Xiaofeng ZhangBeijing Institute of Technology Zhongming YangGuangdong University of Science & Technology Cen ChenSouth China University of Technology Publicity Chairs Zhenli HeYunnan University Xiaoshuang XingChangshu Institute of Technology Xiaozhu ZhuGuilin University Of Electronic Technology Haolin LiuXiangtan University Special Session Chairs Aijia OuyangZunyi Normal University Wei AiCentral South University of Forestry and Technology Chubo LiuHunan University Lanjun WanHunan University of Technology Industrial Chairs Lianbing DengQinzhi Technology Research Institute Jiaping WangInternational Digital Economy Academy Fangming LiuHUST/PCL Junwei MaState Grid Media Chairs Guocheng LiaoSun Yat-sen University Longxin ZhangHunan University of Technology Xulei YangAgency for Science, Technology and Research, Singapore Peilin ZhengSun Yat-sen University Advisory Board Huaimin WangNational University of Defense Technology Jiannong CaoThe Hong Kong Polytechnic University Kuan-Ching LiProvidence University Michael R. LyuThe Chinese University of Hong Kong Steering Committee Hong-Ning DaiHong Kong Baptist University Xiapu LuoThe Hong Kong Polytechnic University Yan ZhangUniversity of Oslo Zibin ZhengSun Yat-sen University