Hotel-Airport Shuttle

乘坐穿梭巴士需提前2小时与酒店预订部或礼宾部及前台预订即可:       0898~65818888 转预订部/礼宾部

一美兰机场穿梭巴士乘车须知Passenger Notice:

1、客人乘坐穿梭巴士需提前2小时与酒店预订部或礼宾部及前台预订: Guests take shuttle bus for 2 hours in advance with hotel Reservations or Conciergand Receptionist for book

2、客人乘坐穿梭巴士时需向礼宾员出示预订姓名或房号: Guests take shuttle bus are reguired to produce the book name and room number tconcierge.

3、机场至酒店穿梭巴士定点停候在美兰机场国内到达厅2号门出口外道: Meilan Airport to Hotel shuttle bus desianated wait in Meilan Airnort domestic arrival hall No.2 export.

4、穿梭巴士在准点发车前每趟停留等待的时间为5分钟,按点发车,如错过只能选择下一趟巴士并请告知礼宾部: Shuttle bus in the lobby of the hotel and airport before each stop waiting time is !minutes. according to the point of departure, if missed can only choose the next bus antplease inform the Concierge.

5、如客人要求在穿梭巴士时间表之外的时间接送机服务,则需按正常收费,收费详情请咨询前台工作人员。if the guest reguests the shuttle bus service outside the timetable. please consult the front desk staff for details on the normal charge.

Hotel-Meilan Airport Shuttle Bus Timetable  酒店一美兰机场穿梭巴士时刻表
